Monthly Archives: July 2013

Do Food Regulations Work?

Why do we consume so much high fructose corn syrup? Why does America suffer from an obesity epidemic? And why are fruits and vegetables so expensive? Professor Dan D’Amico of Loyola University argues that special interests and government policy are at least partly to blame. According to Professor D’Amico, rent seeking and regulations — such as “organic” certification — results in lower costs for less healthy foods and higher costs for nutritional foods.

Gaddafi Son Faces Trial

Nearly two years after Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown and killed in Libya, his son Saif al-Islam is yet to stand trial for alleged war crimes committed during the 2011 uprising. He’s set for a hearing in Libya in August, but International Criminal Court judges fear he won’t receive a fair trial there. Libya is meanwhile defying an ICC ruling by refusing to hand him over to the Hague, insisting on trial at home.

NSA’s Assault on Liberty

Congress came close to cutting off funding for the NSA as the evidence mounts of the agency’s massive spying operations — conducted seemingly with few checks and balances, and little regard for preserving citizens’ rights to privacy. Pundit Dick Morris is encouraged that Congress is finally waking up and possibly mobilizing to reign in the rogue agency.

Let the Mudslinging Begin

Sparks fly in this debate on the Syrian civil war, pitting investigative journalist and blogger Lee Kaplan against Ken O’Keefe, the activist and former Marine who led the human shield action to Iraq in 2002. Rather than discuss Syria, the two exchanged a wild series of accusations and below-the-belt insults. Iran’s propaganda arm, Press TV, organized the debate, and its announcer appeared to provide cover to O’Keefe. In turn, he has been a frequent apologist for the Iranian mullahs, peddling the outlandish notion that 9-11 was an inside hit job conducted by the Israeli spy agency Mossad.