Mueller’s Next Move

Dick Morris speculates on what will be Robert Mueller’s next move. Will he bring an indictment against the conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi? How about the hard-brawling political activist Roger Stone?

Personally, we think it’s time the Mueller charade ended. It was nothing but cheap-seats political subterfuge from the start, designed to sandbag President Trump and buoy the defeated Democrats. Mueller has been fishing around for two years and has, so far, come up with next to nothing. Go home, ugly chump!

Lionel Nation shares our view — that Mueller probe is just political sleaze and bilge. Headlining his video “193 Days of Nothing,” Nation says, “The Special Counsel Investigation (SCI) began May 17, 2017, and has been conducted by the DOJ Special Counsel’s Office, headed by Robert Mueller. Are you confused? You should be. Today, Jerome Corsi rejected a plea deal offered by the special counsel. Remember, Roger Stone’s not budging and Assange is mysteriously absent and if fantasy scenarios turn true, JA will be dropping the testimony MOAB of how he got the info plus emails and data no one knew about in the first place. Think insurance. And then remember that Huber’s in the wings ready to lower the boom on HRC and the Clinton Foundation criminal rats nests. These are the days, my fellow patriots! All of this to prove how Hillary blew a rigged election.”




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