Unity Or Domination?

Glenn Beck argues that although President Biden’s inaugural address appeared to stress unity, did it send out a different message? Beck argues that the speech may have sounded great to many, but the Left doesn’t have an impressive recent track record when it comes to unifying the country. Often, Beck says, the Left’s idea of unity is really just one of domination.

And true to their colors, the progressive mainstream media enforced that assessment with its usual inane bias. Earlier in the day, when President Trump exited the White House, it gave longtime Trump nemesis Jim Acosta of CNN an opportunity to make one last fascist dig, “He’s almost leaving town like an autocrat ousted from power, headed off into exile.” One thing, Jim, exile is at his million-dollar Mar-a-Lago Resort in sunny Florida. And rest assured that autocrats don’t allow themselves to get voted out.

Says Beck, “The media’s behavior in the last four years, culminating in their coverage on Inauguration Day, has been mind-boggling and disgusting.” So what you heard on Inauguration Day, Beck says, were a lot of fancy words, but little action. Here’s more analysis from Beck on Blaze TV.

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