Obama Started Ukraine Biolabs!

Here’s a bombshell of a report on the U.S.-funded biolabs in Ukraine — the biolabs that played a role prompting Russia to invade Ukraine, touching off the latest war. The American fake news has repeatedly denied the biolabs even exist, but Victoria Nuland, the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs,  confirmed the labs have been in operation. Her testimony came in response to Sen. Marco Rubio before a U.S. Senate subcommittee.

Here, MrTruthBomb goes much further in showing the labs are real.  Of the many revelations he makes, the two biggest:

* These Ukraine biolabs are part of a much larger network of labs, mostly flanking Russia and China in Asia, the Middle East and Europe. Leaks from these labs – either intentional or accidental — were the direct cause of the Covid-19 worldwide pandemic!

* And guess who was one of the two U.S. senators to initiate the labs, at least those in the Ukraine? Barack Obama, back when he was a junior senior from Illinois. In so doing, he was joined by Richard Lugar, a Republican Senator from Indiana.

Here is an hour-long MrTruthBomb documentary, drawn from his epic series The War for the World,

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