Tag Archives: abortions

Think Sum Of All Fears

The people are learning the truth. The plan is working. More and more are now seeing the criminal syndicate. The counterinsurgency is now building.

Next big push is coming and it going to get bumpy. Think U1, Obama, Clinton, etc. War is coming with associated events. Think Sum of All Fears. Here’s more from the X22 Report.

Overspent, Overruled, Overtaken

Overspent: The House passed a monstrous $1.2 trillion spending package full of waste and pork for transgender projects aimed at children, late-term abortions, foreign students, and border security–in other countries, not in the US.

Overruled: Trump faces nearly $500 M bond–will he meet it?

Overtaken: Illegals and squatters have all the rights that we as citizens don’t. Time to Pray. Here’s more from Lori Colley.

Baby Murder Rebrand

Despite their best efforts, Planned Parenthood isn’t killing as many black babies as their founder would have wanted. To facilitate the “extermination of the Negro population,” these Margaret Sanger acolytes may need to try a bold new strategy.

The Abortion Pill Rescue Network is the lifeline for women seeking a second chance. Here’s more from The Babylon Bee.

Cabal Creator Goes Missing

Janet Ossebaard, the Dutch woman who co-created The Fall of The Cabal documentary, has gone missing. Her Cabal partner, Cyntha Koeter, says Ossebaard has been missing for more than two weeks.

She took nothing from her home when she left and it’s feared she might have taken her own life. As an alternative, she could have gone into hiding, fearing reprisals from the members of the Illuminati whom she so deftly singled out.

We ran every video in this series as they were released, but in case you missed the originals, here are the first 10 episodes, all assembled together. All have been deleted, buried and censored by the fascists who run YouTube, but these powerful programs can still be found on Bitchute, Rumble and other social media platforms that continue to protect freedom of speech and freedom of press, and to look out for the well-being of the people. This compilation was put together by RenaudBe.

Janet Ossebaard

New Mexico Now Abortion Hub

Women are traveling in droves to the state of New Mexico for their abortions, in light of the Supreme Court’s historic ruling on Roe v. Wade. Newsy reports that the Land of Enchantment is the lone state bordering Texas with no-holds-barred abortion and is now bracing for a Texas-sized demand curve for the procedure. A travesty, indeed!

The uber-liberal New Mexico Legislature repealed its pre-Roe v. Wade ban on abortions, replacing it with legislation lacking major restrictions, such as waiting periods, mandated parental involvement or limitations on publicly funded abortions, found in other states. Here’s Newsy’s John Mone with more.