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Archive for the tag “AsapScience”

The First Living Robot

Researchers in the U.S. have created the first living robot–the Xenobot, which is less than one millimeter in size and made entirely of organic cellular material. It’s actually a life form that has never existed before. The long-term implications of Xenobots is massive, especially for our health. Imagine a swarm of Xenobots, made from your own cells, sent to your brain to help remove a brain tumor. Or perhaps using these bots to clean out plaque in your arteries. Host Mitch Moffit brings us more from AsapSCIENCE.

When Humans Disappear

Since the dawn of creation, humans have had a powerful impact on our planet. But what would happen if we suddenly disappeared? AsapSCIENCE details the chaotic first few weeks to the tumultuous future when animals will once again rule the Earth.

Cup of Joe: Good Or Bad?

In this edition of AsapSCIENCE, Henry Reich goes into detail about how coffee works on our brains. He discusses its benefits and, yes, some dangers. For instance, did you know that you could actually overdose on coffee? It would take a lot caffeine but it’s possible.

We’re Brainier Than You Think

We’ve been told for years that humans can only use about 10 percent of their brains. Nonsense. Thanks to modern brain-scanning technology, we know that we use the whole thing, all of the time. This is just one of seven myths about our brains that we’ve been led to believe. AsapSCIENCE explains the other six.

Taking Out An Asteroid

One potential life-threatening dilemma facing Earth is an unlikely encounter with an asteroid. Could we stop an impact with one of these heavenly bodies, or are we doomed? Because asteroids come in many different sizes, there are many solutions, as explained by American scientist Bill Nye, also known as The Science Guy, in this edition of AsapSCIENCE.

Gazing Into the Past

When you gaze at the stars, you’re actually looking at light that took years to travel to Earth. In other words, you’re seeing how stars looked in the past. This is just one of some mind-blowing facts in this edition of AsapSCIENCE.

Yawning Cools Our Brains

Henry Reich tells us that humans yawn to cool their brains. “Scientists now believed that yawning has developed as a way of physiologically cooling your  the brain,” he says. “Much like a computer, your brain works best at a certain temperature and tries to avoid overheating.” In this edition of AsapSCIENCE, Reich fills us in on more details.

How Much Water is Too Much?

We know that every living organism needs water to survive. So, can too much water become intoxicating? AsapScience says yes, but it’s rare. Find out more in this science update.

Obsessing Over Sports

There’s a reason why fans obsess over sports. AsapScience explains what happens to your body when your team wins, such as the massive build-up of testosterone and a surge of dopamine. Check out the results.

Mother Knows Best

Remember when Mom warned to bundle up when heading outside during winter or you’d catch a cold? Then, of course, there’s the the other side of the coin that believes being cold doesn’t give you a cold. Or can it? In this version of AsapSCIENCE, studies point out the obvious correlation between cold weather and sickness. Ahh, but hold your horses. There are other factors contributing to the overall debate. Listen in to see if your mom was right.

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