Tag Archives: Capitol riot

Buyer’s Remorse

What American voters thought they were getting with the election of Joe Biden and what they got are two very different things. Millions of people who voted for Biden have no idea who he really is. The reason why can be traced directly to the dishonest and corrupt mainstream media. And to be fair, you really can’t fault somebody from making a bad decision, if they’re given bad information.

But now that all is said and done–or so they think–the truth is rearing its ugly head. Take The Washington Post, which just admitted that President Trump did not incite the Capitol riot. This nugget of truth after Biden took office. Makes you wonder about the lies splashed across their pages before the election. More cases in point come from Biden’s executive orders on his first day in office. One of his first measures was halting construction of the border wall, a structure that the majority of Americans supported, and banning the travel order from terrorist Muslin countries. So will Biden be responsible if a terrorist or two slips into the country to create havoc? Again, truth versus reality.

But the post-election gem, says political commentator Bill Whittle, comes from news outlet Politico, who says it is no longer going to cover Biden’s cognitive dissonance. Whether he won the election fairly or unfairly, the COVID pandemic provided him the opportunity not to appear in public or prepare statements. Now, he’s in the Oval Office–the real world–and he must deal in real time. “Buyer’s remorse is coming in a series of semi-trucks, an entire convoy of all these things coming out now,” Whittle says. “None of these things came out before the election.” Here’s more with Whittle.