Tag Archives: natural cures

Joe Rogan Takes Ivermectin

Joe Rogan got covid and everyone is freaking out. Is it because he got covid and might die? No. Actually, the fake news is pissed off because Rogan took ivermectin and appears to have recovered. President Donald Trump told us about ivermectin a year ago. Why are Anthony Fauci and all of his media sycophants denying the ability of this old and well-established drug? More from Lift The Veil.

The mainstream media is tarring and feathering Rogan — infuriated that he is advocating ivermectin as a covid cure, after the fake news has been trashing that alternative. Nothing pisses off Big Pharma more than cheap or natural cures. And when Big Pharma is mad, they can always count on the media to go out and do their dirty business. More from Vincent James of The Red Elephants.