Tag Archives: red counties

All States Need Forensic Audits

Data analyst Seth Keshel says he believes that forensic audits are needed in almost every state. He found that only 10 states progressed normally as Presidential elections go. “My information is not polling based or crazy based, it’s just open-source intelligence that show where trends have been seriously disturbed.”

Keshel, formerly an Army intelligence officer, says he predicted all states correctly in the 2016 election and, after assessing the 2020 election, he found that not only was Donald Trump on pace to get re-elected, he also was on pace to win large landslides in the contested Midwest states and the Rust Belt. Many swing and bellwether states had horrific numbers that suggested systemic fraud via different methods. In Democrat counties, it was good old-fashioned ballot stuffing, counterfeit ballots and votes from dead people. And there was more of the same in red counties.

Kesler says the Democrats weren’t ready for what Trump pulled off in 2016, but last November, they expected him to get around 66 million votes. When the totals moved closer to 74 million, that’s when the count stopped. “I believe the election was absolutely engineered from the beginning, based on how many votes Trump might get,” Kesler says. “Georgia was a surgical removal for three days and Arizona was engineered from the get-go.” He joins the Dark to Light crew to further discuss the manipulation of the 2020 election and how it was done.