Tag Archives: Sheila Zilinsky

They Want X-Men Super Powers

Animals have amazing abilities, some say super powers. Animals have abilities that are so much more powerful than humans, that the transhumanist movement is determined to understand and create technology that allows people to also have these skills.

They have been splicing human DNA in secret labs and creating chimeras (half human – half animal) babies. While we know it is unethical to experiment on human beings, transhumanists do it anyway.

In this episode, Sarah Westall talks with animal expert Megan Blake who, in her lighthearted and inspiring way, educates us on the amazing abilities animals possess. We also weave in the message that animals bring love to your heart and home.

This is a fun episode which educates us on the agendas of transhumanists while sharing the amazing capabilities of the furry animals that we adore. You can see more of Megan Blakes work at https://MeganBlakeOfficial.com

Between global warming and COVID and lockdowns and genetic engineering, we’re living through an age that is fundamentally trying to remake what it is to be human. But will humanity change, or disappear outright? Sheila Zilinsky is a Christian speaker and the author of the book Technogeddon: The Coming Human Extinction.

She joins Stew to discuss the dangers facing humanity. Figures discussed range from animal hybrid experimenters Francis Bacon and Aleister Crowley to Jack Parsons, the occultist who founded the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The full title of this video is “The Transhumanism End Game: The Most Horrifying Reality That Faces Us Today.”