Tag Archives: U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Border Patrol Under Cover

The CBP — the acronym for the U.S. Customs and Border Protection — claims it does not spend taxpayer dollars to transport or assist illegal aliens. That’s true, but also a flat-out lie.

It’s true because the CBP doesn’t directly pay for the bus transports or plane flights that take illegals from the border and scatter them in towns and cities all over the nation.

It’s actually a lie, though, because while the CBP might not pay for those flights and hauls, the CBP works directly with NGOs — non-governmental organizations — that do pick up those costs. And guess what? Those NGOs currently receive nearly $150 million in federal grants, so your tax money is paying for much of the charade. In other words, lying Joe Biden is on the job, while on vacation, in his basement!

Here with the facts is Natly Denise. She focuses on what happens with the transport of underage children, many of whom are among the deluge of illegal aliens along our southern border.


Border Towns Going to Hell

A Democratic mayor of the town of Del Rio is outraged as he says calls to federal lawmakers fall on deaf ears. This rhetoric has been echoed by many other jurisdictions that have declared emergencies but it seems that national level Democrats just push rhetoric and block Trump, ICE, and CBP from doing their jobs.

Democrats have even begun to blame federal law enforcement for the problems at the border while simultaneously voting to block funding for facilities.

While Trump’s solution is building a wall we don’t see much of anything from Democrats as their priorities seem to be on winning in 2020 and on impeachment. Yet everyday the crisis at the southern border with Mexico gets worse.

Record waves of illegal immigrants are coming to the US and even migrants from Africa are now flying to Brazil then coming to the US. Many far left social justice types endorse open borders, like the Democratic Socialists of America. It seems that these activists don’t understand basic economics and don’t actually care for the crisis and what it’s doing to local communities.  More from Tim Pool.