What If Police Are Defunded?

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Dana Loesch (Author, Grace Canceled) about liberty, freedom and civil disobedience in a time of lockdown, riots, and civil unrest. Dana discusses the riots and protests in response to police brutality and the involvement of Black Lives Matter and Antifa. She also discusses how some Americans are rethinking their feelings on guns and gun control when they hear more extreme policies like defunding the police gaining more traction.

Dana also discusses how people like Keith Ellison and others have helped normalize violence and how extreme elements have taken over the Democratic party. Dana discusses how there is a new wave of first time gun owners, a lot of whom are women. Finally Dana offers her advice for how people new to guns should proceed and recommends some of her favorite models.

We doubt this defund the police movement will get very far. Why? Crime rates are already going through the roof. Crime is surging — a consequence of rewarding so many bad actors. The pendulum can never swing so far, so fast.  We expect voters to swing toward the right — and a call to be made for increased law and order. More from Vincent James at The Red Elephants.

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