More Epstein Island Horrors

Newly exposed court testimony reveals the secret beneath Little St. James Island in the Caribbean. Namely, Jeffrey Epstein had built a $250 million underground complex to hold captive, abducted and illegally trafficked children. These unfortunate kids were subjected to sexual abuse and physical beatings, up to and including death.

Drawing from a Twitter thread by 3Days3Nights, McAllister TV gives us a sense of the grid used for the Little St. James tunnel system. You will learn how the island’s underground temples flanked the tunnel network. Meanwhile, the above-ground temple we see so often served as one of the air shafts for the subterranean complex. Also, you’ll begin to understand how the Sundial on the island’s surface designated the “feast days” and key ritual times celebrated at Epstein’s resort. More from McAllister TV.

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