Tag Archives: Hollywood’s hypocrisy

Disney’s Dark Snow White

The Hollywood echo chamber, wrought in hypocrisy and double standards, is alive and well. Geeks + Gamers’ Jeremy Prime  says the casting of Rachel Zegler as the new Snow White in the most recent adaptation of the film is the latest case in point.

While the uproar in some circles revolves around Zegler’s dark complexion–she’s of Columbian and Polish descent–Prime says it’s the hypocrisy regarding the reaction to her vile tweets that has him concerned. Zegler’s tweets have urged Hollywood to cancel actor Jeremy Renner, calling him a transphobic racist, she has wished violence on J.K. Rowling and bullying of Gina Carano over her pronouns. She also bluntly tweeted that all conservatives are racist white supremacists.

“I don’t care what this young lady has to say in isolation,” Prime says. “She can be that kind of person all day long. My problem is that no one in Hollywood is allowed to say anything that opposes what this person is saying. And if they do say it, they will be publicly fired and shamed.” Listen to more of Prime’s take on the Hollywood echo chamber.