Call Me Stormy

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Archive for the tag “Satanic ritual”

Podesta Snuff Film On Dark Web

The People’s Voice reports that an extreme snuff film featuring John Podesta and a young girl believed to be Madeleine McCann is circulating on the dark web, according to sources familiar with the material.

The video has been circulating since last month, according to reliable sources who have viewed the material and confirm the content is “worse than your worst nightmare.”

McCann was abducted while on a family vacation in Praia da Luz, Portugal, in 2007, when she was three years old. The case remains unsolved to this day. It is believed Podesta was terrorizing the young girl, deliberately causing the child’s body to release adrenochrome into her bloodstream, before bleeding her out and drinking the blood during a Satanic ritual. Here’s more, and please do your own research and discern the material for yourself.

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