Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Mueller Indictments a Joke!

Dick Morris says the Robert Mueller indictments of 13 Russians show just how little impact Russia actually had on the 2016 election. The indictments are a joke — issued by a federal prosecutor who wasted millions of dollars purportedly investigating Russian collusion with the campaign of President Donald Trump. In fact, there was never any proof of any collusion whatsoever, so you have to wonder if Mueller wasn’t appointed for other reasons — say, to hide Deep State shenanigans and malpractice by the former Obama administration and its corrupt Secretary of State — Hillary Clinton.

Dr. Jerome Corsi discusses the phony Russian indictments. Why so phony? Because these 13 Facebook propagandists had very little to minimal impact on the 2016 election, nothing at all like the Democrats’ widespread plot to steal the election by having illegal aliens vote and by discarding and casting out the votes of actual Americans. in this conversation with Lionel Nation, Corsi also talks about the latest Q-Anon revelations and #DeepState despotism.

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