CIA Thug Gets Dressed Down

Former CIA and FBI official Phil Mudd loses his cool, debating President Trump’s revocation of John Brennan’s security clearance with Paris Dennard. What an indignant, petulant weasel Mudd is. This is the same ex-CIA spook who earlier implied someone from the Deep State ought to assassinate President Donald Trump.

In other words, no one should be surprised that he’s yelling and spitting all over the place. Mudd and his ilk — the other snide, violent, vicious thugs running amok from the CIA and FBI — had better wise up and wise up fast. No one anymore is putting up with your nonsense. Not the President and certainly not the people. We are sick and tired of members of the Deep State trying to subvert and destroy our democracy. You were never elected, so you have no rights whatsoever to behave as if you are some sort of demon to whom we all owe allegiance.

If you dirty agents can’t clean up your act, then expect President Trump to revoke your clearances. And the worst of you — the ones like Mudd threatening to assassinate the president, or like the Commie Muslim weasel Brennan — need to be imprisoned. There are cells at Gitmo just waiting for you bastards. More from CNN.



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