Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

1920s Flappers In Russia

Roaring Twenties Soviet Union in 1929. Brought to life with AI. Filmed largely in Odessa, Ukraine. Not exactly the image that history has left us of the former USSR. For some more affluent women, there was fashion, parties, bobbed hair, makeup and the ubiquitous cloche hat so popular with girls across the globe in the 1920s.

The position and roles of women in the USSR, in principle at least, were equal to men under the Soviet Constitution. The reality for the vast majority was very different.

Millions ended up in gulags and a totalitarian system remained in place until the late 80s.

This is an AI-enhanced and up-scaled edit from the classic 1929 documentary Man with a Movie Camera. Directed by Dziga Vertov and edited by his wife Yelizaveta Svilova. More from glamourdaze.

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