Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Researcher Or Racist?

They call him “dangerous” because he wrote about racial IQ differences. Angry protestors fail to recognize that Charles Murray is not a white supremacist.

John Stossel says he’s a thoughtful researcher who has published more than a dozen scholarly books about things like the impact of welfare, the pursuit of happiness and the meaning of libertarianism, and some of his work influenced presidents. 

“You don’t judge people by what color they are,” Murray says. “Treat people as individuals, most of the problems go away.” Despite saying that, people call him a racist and classify his work as forbidden topics. Here’s Stossel’s interview with Murray. Decide for yourself.

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One thought on “Researcher Or Racist?

  1. Jesse Lee Peterson stuns Dr. Phil’s indoctrinated audience

    People need to study the Sin of Ham and the Curse of Canaan.

    Genesis 9:22-25: “And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without. And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father’s nakedness. And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.”

    To see someone’s nakedness (King James Version) is a Hebrew idiom which means to have sex with someone. Ham raped his mother. Ham raped Noah’s wife. This is an incredibly evil and perverted act. I believe that raping your mother is a greater sin than adultery. This is why Noah cursed Ham’s progeny. Ham is the father of the African race. The African race is cursed—except for those who follow and obey Jesus Christ (this is how you break curses).

    To rape your mother destroys the family unit. The family unit is the most basic unit of a civilized society. If all sons raped their mothers, there would be no families, no communities, no nations and no civilization. Sin destroys civilizations.

    Have you ever wondered why unsaved blacks use the term “motherfucker” so much? Ham was literally a motherfucker. Ham was an absolute embarrassment to Noah’s family. Sin loves to project their sin onto others: it is a form of scapegoating. If someone points their finger at someone and calls them “motherfucker” or “thief”, then most people will look at the so-called thief and not at the actual thief.

    I was listening to this conservative black pastor speak. He said that, when you put 300 blacks in a community, it turns into a ghetto. I saw the title of this YouTube video; it was by a black pastor. He said that elderly black couples are more afraid of black youth than white youth.

    You can think of Ham raping his mother as a form of violence. Ham violated his mother; Ham violated his father, Noah; Ham violated his family and his community. Ham mostly violated and sinned against the Lord. Somewhere between 49% and 60% of all violent crime in the United States is committed by blacks; blacks make up 13% of the United States population. Think of the Sin of Ham and the Curse of Canaan as violence.

    Sin destroys society.

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