Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “5G frequencies”

Graphene Oxide, 5G Correlation

Here’s a bit of predictive programming and a reality that most people think is science fiction, but unfortunately it’s not.

In this “conspiracy theory,” you will see why the Deep State needs children and why they lowered the age limit for receiving the so-called Covid-19 vaccines. Arcane Pathways reports that when you connect the dots between lowering age limits and the ban on abortion in the United States, it becomes crystal clear the dark side needs our children to move forward with replacing our population in the next couple of decades.

Their sinister plan is to employ biorobots, who will be controlled with frequencies from 5G towers. Sifting through the evil manipulation, you find it’s nothing more than the graphene oxide, 5G and Westworld correlation! Here’s more.

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