Call Me Stormy

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Archive for the tag “Allum Bokhari”

Big Tech Is Watching You

Too many people are closing their eyes to what Big Tech is doing nowadays, including its latest caper to follow your every move online.

Allum Bokhari of Breitbart News reports that Microsoft, Adobe and Intel have joined forces to create the Coalition for Content Providence and Authenticity in conjunction with media companies. The goal of the coalition is to establish a point of origin for every type of digital content that appears online. For example, if you were to take a photo, the process would gather information on who took the photo, with what camera and imbed the location. Their reasoning, says Bokhari, is to allow users to more accurately distinguish between factual and misinformation. But that’s the good side of the process. Can Big Tech really be trusted to not use the technology in nefarious ways? Bokhari explains all the sinister ways the tech could be used on the Glenn Beck Show.

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