Tag Archives: Apollo 14

Discoveries NASA Discredits

The following video clip is a collage of NASA footage depicting unidentified flying objects that it kept hidden from the public for years. The vintage footage once attracted millions of views before it was censored and has since been restored by The Lost History Channel TKTC, with history in mind, in collaboration with the Legendary Luna Cognita YT Channel.

The video features a number of UFO discoveries from several space endeavors, such as the Apollo 14 mission, the Atlantis Shuttle, Soviet Soyuz missions and Skylab, among others. Discussing the UFO-Extraterrestrial cover-up in an interview following his retirement, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, lunar module pilot for Apollo 14, said there’s been a lot of disinformation to discourage media and public knowledge about this issue. “It was the conventional wisdom both in science and theology that we were alone in the universe and I don’t think people really believe that anymore,” he said. Mitchell, the last surviving member of the Apollo 14 mission, died in 2016.

Here’s a look at NASA’s UFO footage, presented by The Lost History TKTC. And as always, you be the judge.

The UFO Cover-Up

Astronaut and ufologist Edgar Mitchell, who piloted the lunar module in Apollo 14 and became the sixth man to walk on the Moon, bluntly states that we are not alone in this universe.

“At the time I went to the Moon, it was the conventional wisdom–both in science and theology–that we are alone in the universe,” Mitchell says. “Because of my openness to these things, I did have many of the old-timers and the military in the intelligence community over the years wanting to get it off their chests before they passed away, and they allowed me to interview them and talk to them about it. So my ideas became well solidified in that we’ve been visited.”

Mitchell says that following World War II, the government came to the conclusion that the UFO phenomenon was alien and opted to deny it and hush it up. The National Security Act of 1947 validated this deception.