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Archive for the tag “Bite Sci-zed”

Mitosis: A Pinch to Grow On

Alex Dainis of Bite Sci-zed explains mitosis, the process by which our one original cell splits apart and multiplies, eventually creating the trillions of cells found in our bodies. A little pinch allows each new cell to spin off, paving the way for growth to occur.

The Dinosaur Wars

Find out about rival paleontologists whose near-simultaneous discovery of dinosaur bones has sparked a century-old debate: Should the familiar dinosaur be called an Apatosaurus or a Brontosaurus? Alex Dainis fills us in on the back-story in this edition of Bite Sci-zed.

Of Love and Larvae

For Valentine’s Day, Bite Sci-zed has dug up three short love stories from the animal kingdom.

Why Are Pigeons Home Bodies?

How do homing pigeons find their way home? Are they guided by sights, sounds or smells? Or perhaps they have more esoteric abilities, allowing them to read and follow the Earth’s magnetic patterns. Alex Dainis homes in on the subject in Bite Sci-zed. And, yes, the correct, original phrase was “homes in,” a reference to homing pigeons. Only recently has the phrase been bowdlerized to “hones in.”

The Case of the Blue Allele

Alec Dainis performs some down and dirty genetic gumshoe work in this episode of Bite Sci-zed.

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