Tag Archives: Bobby Kennedy

A Trump, JFK Jr. Siting?

Freedom Force Battalion reports that several cryptic Twitter and Facebook posts from Dan Scavino, and an equally mysterious eight-minute video by roving D.C. reporter Nancy Drew of people streaming out of the U.S. Capitol and presumably proceeding down Pennsylvania Avenue in a motorcade has many onlookers scratching their heads.

Drew, of Truth and Freedom Videos, stumbled upon the motorcade, which shockingly includes “The Beast,” the presidential limousine reserved only for the President of the United States. At about the five- to six-minute mark of the clip, you can hear an announcement that says: “Hold traffic on the avenue, President Trump and Kennedy released.”

According to Freedom Force’s Melissa Redpill, “It makes you wonder, who is this? Is is Bobby Kennedy (Jr.), (Senator) John Kennedy from Louisiana or is is JFK Jr.? If you’re new, you may not have heard that JFK Jr. is very much alive. That may sound like the craziest conspiracy theory, but we have clear indications that he was under witness protection because they tried to kill him.”

Here’s Melissa Redpill with more, including portions of the video, and, as always, use your own discretion.

Biden The King Of Plagiarism

Joe Biden has a knack of taking someone else’s work and passing off as his own. His actions have been so blatant in this respect over his 40-plus years of government service that he’ll probably go down as the King of Plagiarism on Capitol Hill! Well, folks, Sleepy Joe is at it again. While laying out his economic agenda earlier this week, Biden dipped his fingers into the Trump playbook, urging viewers to “buy American.” This on the heels of citing policy from the Bernie Sanders campaign as his own last week and, earlier in his career, plagiarizing British Labour leader Neil Kinnock and even Bobby Kennedy. An exasperated Kellyanne Conway, counsel to the president, reacts on Fox & Friends.

Are Democrats Repeating 1968?

It’s been more than 50 years now, but the 1968 election represented a true horror story for the Democrats. Hubert Humphrey won the party’s nomination for the Presidency, beating back a host of Leftist challengers, including Eugene McCarthy and Bobby Kennedy. After all the internecine bloodshed, the Republican, Richard Nixon, easily whipped Humphrey, winning 301 electoral votes to the Democrats’ 191 electoral votes.

Dick Morris sees signs the Democrats currently running for president could stage a repeat of that race, as banished Leftists whimper and whine, withholding support from a more moderate nominee, say, Joe Biden.

Pete Buttigieg illegally drinking in public, Kirsten Gillibrand bartending Pride Events, Beto running in a gay 5K: The 2020 Dems are totally cringeworthy in Iowa. If they continue to try to outdo each other’s foolishness, Donald Trump will have no problems in 2020. More from Jon Miller of The Blaze in his video — “Pander-Monium: Dems Descend on Iowa to Make a Mockery of Themselves.”

Another Democrat who can’t seem to break through the pack is California Rep. Eric Swalwell. Here, he’s trying some new punchlines to see if he can break through. None really work, except to draw the mockery of Mark Dice.