Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Bret Baier”

Obamacare Cratering

Fox News White House correspondent Kevin Corke reports that President Obama’s signature legislation–the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare–is buckling under unforeseen problems by the administration. And the diagnosis going forward isn’t pretty. Obama recently crowed about securing health insurance for 18 million people who didn’t have it before, failing to mention the millions more who are still uninsured and the skyrocketing premiums for those struggling with the bureaucracy of Obamacare.

“The Affordable Care Act is buckling under the weight of reality,” Corke says. “That according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, which says the number of new enrollees into Obamacare is cratering.” Corke explains further in this appearance on “Special Report” with Bret Baier.

History Won’t Be Kind to Obama

When President Obama looks back on his two terms in the White House, it won’t be a pretty sight. What he’ll see is an economy that never recovered from the Great Recession because of his failed policies, his disastrous exit strategies in Iraq and Afghanistan, an ever-mounting entitlement state under his administration, and on and on. Fox News contributor and sydicated columnist Charles Krauthammer weighs in on the issue with host Bret Baier on “Special Report,” opining that history will judge our 44th president “very severely.”

Surpise, Surprise

After waiting nearly a year for e-mails connected to IRS Scandal key witness Lois Lerner, the Congressional committee investigating the matter received a surprise response over the weekend. In what has become commonplace at the White House, the IRS chose a quiet Friday afternoon with other issues dominating the airwaves to inform the committee that the e-mail–Ready for this?–disappeared into cyberspace. Poof! Gone. The e-mails, of course, are key pieces of evidence in proving that Lerner and the IRS used government resources to place additional pressure on tax-exempt Tea Party affiliated organizations and conservatives prior to the 2010 and 2012 elections. Fox News host Bret Baier and a “Special Report” all-star panel (syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer, Ron Fournier of the National Review and syndicated columnist George Will) discuss the ramifications of the turn of events.

Obama Dumps Shinseki

After diddling and dawdling for months, and with his proverbial back against the wall, President Barack Obama fired beleaguered Veterans Administration Secretary Eric Shinseki amid one of the worst scandals of the administration that has now penetrated 42 facilities across the country. The swift announcement was welcomed by U.S. veterans, many of them suffering unheard of delays in medical care. Fox News’ Bret Baier is joined by the heavyweight analyst trio of Charles Krauthammer, A.B. Stoddard and George Will as they dissect the VA shakeup.

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