Tag Archives: Broken: Seeking Justice

Epstein’s Girls Were Sex Slaves

The latest news drop from the Jeffrey Epstein sex-trafficking scandal reveals that Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell fed their victims fruit platters and iced tea to keep them skinny. The revelation comes from Virginia Roberts Giuffre, the most outspoken of Epstein survivors, in a podcast called Broken: Seeking Justice.

Giuffre claims that Epstein and Maxwell treated their victims like slaves, and the fruit  platters were designed to keep the girls pre-pubescently thin. “Jeffrey had us on these ridiculous diets. It was all organic. They wanted you to look a specific way,” she says.

Miami Herald investigative reporter Julie K. Brown, who produced the podcast and is responsible for bringing many of the recent claims to light, added that Epstein was adamant that the girls looked young. “Even if they were 18, he wanted them to look like they were 14. That was very clear for anyone who did the recruiting for him,” she says. Here’s more on the Shaun Attwood channel.

In a related story, well-traveled Canadian investigative journalist Ian Halperin claims he has interviewed new sources with updated information that Prince Andrew was obsessed with redheads. In his new book titled, Sex, Lies And Dirty Money By The Powerful Elite, Halperin says he has testimony from a dozen of Prince Andrew’s former lovers who confirmed the stories. The Royals have refuted the book, contending the claims are sensationalized.

Halperin added that Epstein provided Prince Andrew with a dozen beautiful women, but says Atwood, “Whether they were women or not, well, that we doubt.” Here’s more from Attwood.