Tag Archives: Citgo

The Message from Venezuela

Ex-residents of Venezuela send a message to the dumb American Leftists embracing socialism: Wake up, idiots! More from Cabot Phillips, reporter with CampusReform.

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Styxhexenhammer666 responds to the CampusReform video and the warning from Venezuelans against socialism. Styx declares, “I say we listen to them.” As for Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Styx labels them as traitors. We concur. The entire Socialist-leaning wing of the Democratic Party can all go to Hell, where they belong.

Brother Nathanael, though, says Trump is pushing a counter-coup in Venezuela. Perhaps the poor and middle-class residents will benefit, but the  American goal is to grab the Venezuelan oil resources and open opportunities for Exxon, Citgo and the giant oil companies.