Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Dazzling1”

Why the Vault 7 Release Now?

Who really leaked VAULT 7 details on CIA eavesdropping thru your TV and cellphone? Did ‘good guys’ really expose these Deep State secrets — or were they leaked for a sinister purpose by ‘bad guys?’

And why now? Why is this the perfect time for the real leaker to expose Deep State spying to the general public?

As America realizes NSA wiretapping is out of control and reels at the thought of illegal CIA surveillance, are we distracted from the shocking fact that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower to help Hillary win the 2016 election?

Should we be happy or suspicious that Wikileaks (Julian Assange) supposedly leaked these Vault 7 documents exposing Deep State spying on every American citizen in violation of the 4th Amendment?

(EDITOR’S NOTE: This video has been removed from YouTube, presumably censored. In its absence, we present from Bitchute another video, by Dazzling1, revealing how Vault 7 shows the CIA is using smart TVs, phones and PCs to spy upon the general public.)


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