Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Sea”

Creepiest Place in the Universe

Bootes Void, without a doubt, is the darkest, loneliest and largest place in the universe, with the exception, perhaps, of the cold spot. Also labeled The Great Void, Bootes Void is an enormous expanse of empty space in the middle of the Bootes Constellation, extending 350 light years in diameter.

An expanse of this size should usually contain tens of thousands of galaxies and trillions of stars. But the Bootes Void is basically a patch of nothing smack in the middle of the universe–no particles, no molecules, no noise, no dust, no rocks. While the mystery has baffled scientists for decades, theories abound.

Could this expanse be the other side of a black hole-turned-wormhole? Or home to the most powerful virus in the universe? Or perhaps a universal alien civilization that controls all the energy from its host star? Tune into Sea for more.

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