Another Obama Firestorm

Captain Destructo, aka President Obama, is at it again. Obama’s recent tradeoff of five well-known terrorists jailed at Gitmo for a captive American Army sergeant has stirred both sides of the political aisles and the American public into an absolute frenzy. And adding insult to injury, the president bypassed his obligation to alert Congress before the unilateral move. As if this wasn’t enough, rumors are circulating that American Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl deserted his platoon and collaborated with the Taliban to boot.

What is going on with this administration? It seems Americans wake up to a new scandal every week. Recently, Florida Senator Marco Rubio called President Obama “a monarch, an emperor.” Does this emperor have no clothes?  Did he finally and deliberately  break the law? Is this an impeachable offense?

There are a plethora of questions facing our Emper…err…Commander in Chief. In this edition of The Steve Malzberg Show on Newsmax TV, Fox News senior political analyst Ed Rollins discusses Obama’s latest faux pas with host Steve Malzberg.


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