Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Gene Decode: DUMBs Drained

The Cabal started as the Khazarian Mafia in the Ukraine region, and that’s one of the reasons they had been trying to establish the Ukraine as their global base of operations. But Russia has pretty much put the kibosh to those plans, says Gene Decode, in  a wide-ranging talk with Nicholas Veniamin.

Much of Gene Decode’s talk covers the Deep Underground Military Bases or DUMBs. They have been getting cleaned out and drained around the world. When President Donald Trump talks of draining the swamp, he’s not only referring to corruption in Washington DC, but also these sordid DUMBs where reptilian Dracos have been dining on humans, most of them, children.

One of the largest DUMBs systems cuts across the Ukraine, as well as southern Europe leading to Israel. Gold and silver have been stored in these tunnels. There’s also a Draco Reptilian queen who will need to be captured and destroyed. One of the Ukraine’s treasures to be reveled: A massive, buried pyramid formed from green gold.


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