Tag Archives: ALPA

Pilot Deaths Now Soaring

The Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) is reporting a staggering increase in the number of deaths among U.S. and Canadian pilots over the course of 2021. ALPA represents some 61,000 pilots, steering planes at some 38 US and Canadian airlines.

The current issue of ALPA’s trade magazine — AIR LINE PILOT –has an “In Memoriam” column citing 111 deaths through the first nine months of 2021. By comparison, the highest previous total for any full year came in 2017, when there were 28 deaths logged. Most years, there have been fewer than 10. (Editor’s Note: The ALPA publication relies on family members to voluntarily report deaths, so the true number of deaths is undoubtedly higher than what appears “In Memoriam.”)

What could be causing deaths among pilots? Flying at high altitudes, they appear to be running a risk of thrombosis, or blood clotting, due to the covid-19 vaccines. Of course, the medical establishment has largely sidestepped this issue, and the airlines have been quite vocal in attacking stories about pilot deaths. Delta Airlines issued a blistering rebuttal recently after an anti-vax podcast claimed one of Delta’s pilots died while a flight was in progress.

“All of these allegations are false,” said Delta. “The pandemic has been an incredibly tragic time for many, and our hearts go out to the hundreds of thousands of families of those who have passed away from the horrific virus.”

Here, Michael Jaco discusses the “jaberdoo” claims, originally aired on The Stu Pewters Show podcast.