Tag Archives: Art Bell

Nancy Pelosi’s Possession Tape!

Did Nancy Pelosi call into the Art Bell Show in 1996 to ask Malachi Martin how to get rid of demonic possession? Christian 21! Bluewater Channel! Failed Reptoid takeover! Cloned meat suits! Every designer clothing brand is named after a high Satanic priest! More from McAllister TV.

Facebook: Gateway To Hell

Facebook is a hellhole! Potus rally clues! Nuclear threat talk! Gender jokes! The Talented Mr. Ripley! Children of Cain! More from McAllister TV.

Here is Art Bell’s 1996 conversation with Malachi Martin, a priest known for performing exorcisms. Is this Nancy Pelosi as, aka ‘Eva,’ who called in from San Francisco to speak with exorcist Martin about possible harassment from demons, a pact with Satan, and the authority of Christ as a Savoir.