Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Barbies”

Illuminati Barbie

This is not a video for young children. This is a video for adults and older teenagers only. This video contains a little bit of parody. It also has the serious subject of the transgender agenda and how the illuminati expose young children to subliminal messages. More from TruthVideos1984.

I went to see the Babrie Expo at a mall in downtown Montreal Canada and couldn’t help but notice that things were a little bit off with the infamous BABRIE! I love a good conspiracy video and this is what happens to your mind when you watch too many illuminati Conspircary videos on youtube.

Buddha Banned in Tehran

Iran has banned Buddha statues and police have begun confiscating them from shops in the capital Tehran because they have been deemed to be symbols of ‘cultural invasion.’ Buddha now joins Barbie and Bart Simpson dolls on the banned list. Surprisingly, Superman and Spiderman figurines are still deemed acceptable.

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