Call Me Stormy

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Tarot By Janine: JFK Jr. Alive

When pressed by Nicholas Veniamin on the persistent rumors that John F. Kennedy Jr. is still with us, Janine Morigeau, founder of Tarot By Janine, responds with an adamant, “Oh, yes. Absolutely.”

She tells Veniamin that her tarot readings suggest Junior is alive and waiting for the right time to go public. She also cites a cryptic video clip from Washington, D.C., roving reporter Nancy Drew last year of a motorcade that included “The Beast,” the presidential limousine reserved only for the President of the United States. At about the five- to six-minute mark of the clip, you can hear an announcement that says: “Hold traffic on the avenue, President Trump and Kennedy released.” (the video was featured on Stormy on July 18, 2021, titled “A Trump, JFK Jr. Siting?”).

Janine brings us more details, plus she also discusses the manipulation of the weather by the Deep State and the crucial missing books of the Bible.

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