Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Christne Blasey Ford”

The Wailing Cries Go On

Protesters cry as Kavanaugh gets voted in as our next Supreme Court Justice. The off-key singing is the most obvious trait of these demonstrators, but also the bare-breasted half-sister of Jack Sparrow. Yes, it’s apparently a dude, showing his bewbies! More from Millennial Millie.

On the other side of the coin, an ebullient Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., says he’s going to campaign for the first time to defeat some of his colleagues. It says a lot that a guy who was pretty critical of Trump, and has tried to be fair to the other side, gets completely energized and angrily animated by the unfairness of the attacks on Kavanaugh.

David Harris salutes the Kavanaugh vote and says now it’s time for all of us to rally behind President Donald Trump, and whip the Democrat Fascists everywhere on Nov. 6.

Amy Schumer strikes again. She’s amoral, she’s stupid, and, no, she’s not even funny. Hunter Avallone discusses Amy, getting ready for Halloween!

Crazed leftist tweet about ruining Kavanaugh gives the left’s game away. Ariel Dumas (DumbAss) – The writer of this vile tweet is a writer on the Stephen Colbert show, and has nearly 40,000 followers on Twitter. As the Senate confirmation vote was gearing up, she wanted everyone to know that “whatever happens” she is “just” glad she ruined a man’s life. Never mind if he was innocent, never mind any of the facts or corroborations or shifting stories of his accuser. The important thing to her was ruining his life.

In more scuttlebutt, the filthy Democratic supporters sent a beheading video to the wife of Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colo. He told Fox his wife has received threatening messages, including a beheading video, after his Brett Kavanaugh vote.

Finally, in closing, we offer a look at how Christine Blasey Ford attempted to create a mass hoax on Americans by hynopsis, using a Deep State plot. You think that’s impossible?  What do we really know about Ms. Ford? This video will reveal several facts about her life and why her inconsistencies may not be a coincidence at all.

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