Tag Archives: Fed Transparency Bill

It Has Begun, The Push Is On


Job numbers are incredible. Remember Trump is using the Deep State, Central Bank manipulation and playing their game.

Trump’s economic advisor says there is no recession headed our way. Who else says this? The Fed. Trump is using their playbook to show the economy is doing great and the Democrats and the Central Banks will bring down the economy.

Meanwhile, auto sales decline. Rep Thomas Massie, R-Kentucky, introduces the Fed Transparency bill. This will sit in the House until it is needed.Trump blames the Democrats for when the economy enters a recession. More from the X22 Report.

In a second post, the X22 Report spells out some of the machinations surrounding President Trump’s proposed wall for the Southern Border. “The [Deep State and Democrats] push ahead with all their bills, impeachment, get rid of the electoral college, protect Mueller, stop the wall etc. This was expected. The Patriots have built a firewall around him (Trump) and now it is time to build the wall. Trump sends the message to the [DS] the wall will be built no matter what. Everything is being put into place. We all need to be patient. The plan is working and the pieces are being moved around the chess board. Q has told us to expect everything we are seeing and they will counter when the time is right.”