Tag Archives: geometry

Secrets Of Sacred Geometry

Many of history’s greatest minds shared a universal secret that facilitated their genius expressions in art, engineering and architecture. An underlying esoteric tradition that spans back through pre-history, which they applied to their modern inventions and theories, that centers on number, harmony and cosmology that exists at the core of mystery school religions.

Geometric ratios were employed in the designs of ancient Egyptian, Indian, Greek and Roman architecture. This includes churches, temples and mosques, believed to have a sacred, divine significance. Here’s more from Robert Sepehr, author and anthropologist.

Inside Jupiter’s Bizarre Storms

Bizarre storms, impossible geometry, “sprites,” “elves,” and more are photographed on Jupiter. What secrets lie on the massive planet that we don’t fully understand?

Animals are being studied for their strange behavior, revealing a shocking level of intelligence that wasn’t previously known. Are crows really as smart as human children? Can rats be trained in remote viewing? Here’s more from the Edge of Wonder with Rise TV.

Nature Loves Hexagons

Nature appears to follow the rules of mathematics. Geometric patterns are everywhere, but nature appears to have a particular affinity for hexagons. Six-sided shapes are the most common geometric formation in the natural world, but is this just a coincidence or is there a more scientific explanation? Host Dr. Joe Hanson and mathematician Kelsey Houston-Edwards give us some answers on It’s Okay To Be Smart.