Tag Archives: government debt

Crisis Just Ahead

A major financial crisis awaits us, says financial analyst Jim Willie, citing new trends in the buying of bonds, government debt and derivatives. Willie, proprietor of the Golden-Jackass website, shares his observations with Patriot Underground.

He believes a number of banks, including some of the largest, are already straddling on the brink of bankruptcy. The crisis could lead to the failure of the dollar, and most certainly will spike the value of precious metals, including gold and silver.

More Economic Trouble Ahead

Glenn Becks says there’s a reason why Americans aren’t entering the new year more optimistically than Covid-ridden 2020. He says it’s because all signs point to more economic trouble ahead.

And it’s not just about inflation, Beck says.  Americans will have to deal with restarting loan payments, higher taxes and a Federal Reserve that’s been buying our government’s debt. “We could be in real trouble until a strong Republican leader gets back into the White House,” he says. Here’s the rest of the story.