Tag Archives: Hollywood film industry

Predator Catchers To The Rescue

In the vein of citizens arrest patriots, a group of “predator catchers” on YouTube who target adults seeking sex with children, have exposed, among others, a prominent East Hartford, Conn., Democrat official.

It’s important to note, says Flex, that this wasn’t the work of law enforcement nor any special agency with millions of dollars of funding, but a grassroots group of YouTubers called EastCoast Predator Catchers dedicated to getting these sexual junkies off the streets. The group’s YouTube video caught the attention of law enforcement, who are now investigating the matter. Meanwhile, Stevenson has resigned his position as East Hartford’s Democratic town committee chairman.

The story also caught the attention of Flex, who immediately went into research mode and discovered a more sordid connection between Stevenson and the Hollywood film industry. Buckle up, as Flex fleshes out the details in the following report.