Tag Archives: infrastucture

The New Healthcare Nightmare

In this video, Patriot Nurse discusses the realities one must face in the current health system infrastructure when taking someone to the hospital. The nursing and caregiver shortage is only part of the equation, and today we delve into the deeper issues of the medical industrial complex and state-mediated kidnapping of children under the guise of ‘protecting’ patients. You need to know. More from The Patriot Nurse.

Pound By The Mile

What the Democrats are calling their new “infrastucture” bill has little, if anything, to do with traditional infrastructure like new roads or improved bridges. Instead the bill is full of new taxing loopholes so the Democrats can charge you more taxes for every mile you travel. They also want to put cameras into new cars so they can record you if you are driving drunk. More from The Salty Cracker.