Tag Archives: Left’s double standard

The Left’s Double Standard

If there is one thing that is glaringly evident in recent years, it’s the Left’s double standard when comes to the treatment of women. They profess to empower strong, outspoken women, that is, unless a strong, conservative woman takes the spotlight.

The latest case in point is President Trump’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court. Within hours after the nomination, the Left unleashed a barrage of attacks on Barrett, calling her racist, a religious zealot, a gun extremist and a bad mom. And this has been their modus operandi, especially through the first term of the Trump Administration.

Here’s more from Isabel Brown, Generation Z conservative and contributor to The First TV channel, who documents the Left’s merciless assaults on Trump confidants, such as political advisor Kellyanne Conway, former Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, First Lady Melania Trump and the President’s daughter Ivanka Trump.