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Archive for the tag “liberals skewed view on bigotry and capitalism”

Exposing Skewed Liberal Views

If you disagree with the views of socialists such as Angela Davis, former leader of the USA Communist Party and Black Panther Party, that’s your prerogative. Recently, Davis was invited to speak at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, and despite opposition from a few, she had every right to speak. Period. But the other side of that balance is that some may not agree with what she says and that, too, is OK. Period. “Lord knows you liberals go all out to express your disagreements with people, despite all that tolerance and acceptance and that so-called open-minded preaching you all do,” says Alfonzo Rachel. “You even push until people cancel engagements, like Condoleeza Rice did at Rutgers. But, of course, liberals always feel that their mean-spirited, hateful and bigoted protests are are always justifable. You guys are true Democrats. The KKK felt like their bigotry was justifiable too. The Nazis felt their bigotry was justifiable also.” Join Rachel in this explosive edition of “Zonation” on PJTV as he digs into the skewed liberal view of institutionalized bigotry and capitalism.

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