Tag Archives: Lion Media

Obama’s Gay Sex, Drugs

In video obtained from Lion Media, Tucker Carlson tells “The Adam Corolla Show” how the media covered up for Barack Obama’s transgressions in 2008, including having sex with men and smoking crack.

Carlson, whose non-disclosure deal with Fox is over, says the Obama revelation surfaced in 2008, when Larry Sinclair agreed to testify under a polygraph test that he had sex with Obama. Says Carlson, “Nobody reported it, not because they were squeamish about sex or drugs, but because the Obama campaign said anyone who reports on this gets no access to the Obama campaign.”

Carlson said Sinclair actually came forward and signed an affidavit and took a lie detector test. “It’s clearly true,” he says. Carlson said he plans to interview Sinclair in the near future. Here’s more.