Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “magazines”

Tax Holidays For Guns, Ammo

Liberty Doll reports that 21 Georgia state legislators drafted legislation earlier this month to create 11 dedicated tax-free holidays for guns, ammunition, safes and accessories.

She says Senate Bill 344 would designate the second Friday in October to the fourth Monday as the tax holiday, stripping guns and accessories of any tax. Here’s her report.

Teen Vogue’s Adult Content

Teen Vogue claims to be a teen magazine, but it’s pushing some very ADULT content. From far-left progressive policies, feminist advocacy, to sensitive bedroom tips arguably not suitable for minors, should Teen Vogue be called out? More from Lauren Chen.


Tiger Beat for Terrorists

“It’s Tiger Beat for Terrorists” says syndicated columnist and author Michelle Malkin as she joins Sean Hannity to discuss the massive outrage over the Rolling Stone cover featuring the Boston bomber and glorifying terrorism.

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