Tag Archives: National Press Club

Lover Blows Obama’s Cover!

A taboo chapter in the life of Barack Obama that has been in and out of public perception since 1999 in Chicago, has again resurfaced on perhaps its biggest platform to date.

In a bombshell exclusive interview with “Tucker on X” and host Tucker Carlson, Larry Sinclair blows the cover off of Obama’s sexual transgressions, alleging he had a night of crack cocaine-fueled sex with Barack Obama and that Obama came back for more the next day. While the rendezvous occurred when Obama was a member of the Illinois State House, the story didn’t get national coverage until it resurfaced during the 2008 campaign.

Carlson says when the mainstream media became aware of the story, they were warned that if they ran with it, they would lose access to Obama’s Presidential campaign. So, instead, the media attacked Sinclair as a liar and called the story absurd. Carlson said Sinclair voiced his claims at the National Press Club in Washington, signed a sworn affidavit and took a lie detector test but was dismissed by Obama shills.

“But the claims weren’t absurd,” Carlson said. “We’re not claiming they’re true, but they were certainly credible. This was a first-hand account of Barack Obama’s behavior by someone who signed a sworn affidavit.” Here’s the interview.