Tag Archives: sexual innuendos

Billy’s Dad Is A Fudgepacker!

A slice of political incorrectness sneaks into this week’s view of the lighter side of life in this clever parody of the 1950s–produced in 2004–chock-full of clever sexual innuendos.

Says director Jamie Donahue, “We all laugh at how the puritanical 1950s were and Billy’s Dad is a Fudgepacker expresses just how far we haven’t come.” Video is courtesy of The White Rose Ireland.

The Sinister Ideology Of Disney

Through the years, the wonderful world of Disney movies brought us the incomparable Mickey Mouse and Goofy, the magical Aladdin and the innocent and curious Simba. But were these lovable characters mere distractions from the true sinister ideology behind the Disney productions?

Truth be told, Disney movies are wicked and should be kept away from our children. They are filled with subliminal messages promoting Satanic symbolism and sorcery. Their goal: getting into your mind and controlling your thought process by supernatural or demonic means, such as sexual innuendos in The Lion King and Aladdin. In Beauty and the Beast, a nude woman subliminally pops up on the screen several times. And all this right before our eyes. It’s mind-blowing.

The following video, presented by The Truth Hunter channel, breaks down some of the subliminal messages in these films and reveals the real story behind the company and its patriarch, Walt Disney.