Tag Archives: White House Visitors Center

Flynn: Trump Still President

There’s no doubt in Gen. Michael Flynn’s mind who’s president of the United States. Christian Patriot News (CPN) reports that Flynn, in a spirited speech to a large crowd of patriots, proclaimed that Donald J. Trump is still president. “I don’t see 81 million people wearing Build Back Better caps,” he says.

Surprisingly, there might also be some doubt in Washington as to who is president. CPN makes a quick visit to the White House Visitors Center, where he comes across a display of U.S. presidents. Oddly, the display is updated through President Trump, with the designation under his photo reading: 2017-. No end date and no Joe Biden. “China Joe has been president for two years now. Why wouldn’t he be listed on the Presidential Wall,” CPN says. Here’s more, including a thorough explanation of the cryptic Q post: P=23 and the Queen of Spades.