Leftists Push Executing Babies

We all know already that Leftists are wholly amoral. They really have no morals at all. Think we’re exaggerating? How have Democrats adopted a bill in New York to allow abortions up to the moment of birth? In other words, they are not even aborting fetuses, they are now pretty much killing kids. Think it’s just an exception? Sorry, but the asshole Democrats in Virginia are debating a similar measure. They have no scruples, no morals at all. More from Tim Pool.

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Liberals are absolutely falling off the deep end on abortion. In Virginia and Vermont, there is legislation now pending, and already well advanced in New York, to allow abortion throughout the entire term of a pregnancy.  So even if a woman is at the moment of birth, and dilating, the abortion can occur. Planned Parenthood pushed this move, donating a couple million dollars, for instance, to the Virginia governor backing this horrendous measure — Ralph “Butcher Boy” Northam.

Why does Planned Parenthood favor it? Bigger aborted babies mean they can grab larger body parts and more of the types of tissues they sell to businesses. Wretched fiends. No way a 501(C)3 that benefits in this fashion should ever be permitted to make political donations. Dick Morris presents the news.

Dean Cain, the actor and ‘Gosnell’ star, reacts on ‘Fox & Friends’ to states moving to extend abortion laws after his experience executive producing a movie on the infamous abortion doctor.

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