Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Putin Checkmates Bank Cabal

Russian President Vladimir Putin has checkmated the New World Order and its banking cartel. Russians know they are fighting the Satanists, and they’re happy to lead the charge.

Putin has been quietly building a “New” New World Order that doesn’t include a world government or the Luciferian Banking Cabal. The vast majority of countries are already signing up. More from SonOfEnos.

The Shanghai Eye reports that the $2.4 billion Rosemont Seneca investment fund — led by Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden — is involved in financing the Pentagon’s biological laboratories in Ukraine, according to the Chief of Russia’s Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Forces, Igor Kirillov.

In a recent statement, Kirillov said, “The incoming materials make it possible to trace the interaction pattern between US government agencies and Ukrainian biological objects.

“It’s remarkable that structures close to the current US leadership – in particular, the investment fund, Rosemont Seneca, headed by Hunter Biden — are involved in the financing of these activities.

“All of this activity is carried out under the full control of the Pentagon,” he said.

The White House warned that this was the Kremlin’s ‘conspiracy theory’ and a prelude to a bio attack that Russia will blame on the US or Ukraine. More from Black Diamond.

(EDITOR’S NOTE: The United States has yet to acknowledge the role of Rosemont Seneca in spearheading these Ukraine biolabs. But on Thursday, for the first time, the U.S. Department of Defense admitted the United States had funded “46 peaceful Ukrainian laboratories, health facilities and disease diagnostic sites over the last two decades. The collaborative programs have focused on improving public health and agricultural safety measures at the nexus of nonproliferation.”

This is the first time the United States has revealed the exact number of these facilities. Presumably, we’ll find out more as we move forward, and as Russia discloses more concrete facts gleaned from secret documents stored at these “peaceful” Ukrainian sites.)

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